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Diamonds are the most precious, beautiful and hardest natural substances on earth. They represent fearlessness and invincibility, and are also a symbol of love.

Diamonds take more than a billion years to form, and their formation occurs about 100 miles (161 kilometers) underground.

Information about GIA’s diamond grading – the 4Cs:


Diamond weight is calculated in carats (CT).
1 carat (CT) = 0.2 grams (g).
1 carat can be divided into 100 points, which is 0.78CT=78 points.

And other conditions being same, the prices  will soar.




Colorless and flawless diamonds are very rare and therefore the most valuable.

However, most diamonds have a slight yellowish or brownish tint. This is because almost all diamonds are mixed with a few of elements other than carbon during the formation process.These elements will cause the diamond to be colored, yellowish, or brown. Normally, the closer a diamond is to colorless, the rarer it is and the higher its price.

GIA has established a color grading system, ranging from D colorless to Z light yellow. Diamonds that are more yellow than Z color will be classified as fancy color diamonds.



Diamond clarity is used to describe the cleanliness of a diamond. The higher the clarity, the cleaner the diamond and the fewer flaws it has.


Since almost all diamonds contain some impurities (called flaws) during the formation process, only a few of diamonds are completely flawless, and their prices are very high and very rare.


Flaws in a diamond are one of the important factors that affect its sparkle. When other conditions are the same, the higher the clarity and fewer flaws of a diamond, the higher the scintillation, the better the fire, and the higher the price.

GIA has established a color grading system ranging from FL/IF (completely flawless) to I3 (severely flawed).。



Diamond cutting refers to the process from the rough diamond to a sparkling diamond.


During the cutting process, the cutter will cut the diamond to the required shape and size according to established standards, Make diamonds to condense and reflect the most light.

Diamond cutting is divided into 3 indicators, including
Cutting, polishing and
Each indicator affects the sparkle and fire of a diamond.


According to GIA standards, cutting can be divided into:: Excellent(EX) 、Very Good(VG) 、 Good(G) 、Fair(F) 、Poor(P)

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